Thursday, August 26, 2010

The stock market is down - Buy gold bars

I can't stress how important it is to invest in gold right now. Despite the government/media's attempts to spark investors and consumers interests in the stock market and overall spending GDP is still well below 3 percent. In actuality, GDP in America is only 1.4 percent right now, which means unemployment is doing better in the race for glory than income/spending.

Enough of this economic analysis. Why buy gold? For the mere fact that statistically, whenever the economy is doing poorly the price of gold soars.. and soars, and keeps soaring until the economy hits an expansion.

Gold of course has been a standard for doing business from as far back as the ancient Egyptians and even the citizens of Mesopotamia. Today, the United States gold bureau deals with the day to day demands from consumers of this precious commodity.
I implore you to not fall for tricks and misinformation from the public (government) driven media houses. If you're interested in making an investment that will always yield sizable profits, buy gold bars

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